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So much for my attempt to blog more frequently, huh?

The truth is, I’ve become lazy. It’s true. It happens about halfway through every term. The workload increases but the hours in my day do not. So when I spend so much time dedicated to school and work and family and church and friends and… I end up just getting lazy. November holidays make that process so much easier – I can make excuses for the busy weekend and why I can’t write my paper until after it’s three hours late (when in fact, I could have made time to write it, I just didn’t want to).

About two weeks ago I had a budding idea for a new blog post. I told myself I would get to it later and, well, I can’t remember the idea anymore. I do remember really liking it, though.

Bethany Dillon wrote on her blog about how she’s really not a blogger. She would much rather sit down with someone and a cup of coffee and talk for hours. That’s so me. Maybe I should start brewing a cup of coffee for myself each time I feel the need to write a blog. 🙂 It’s also a little sad that I haven’t gotten a chance to sit down with my coffee-drinking friends (Rachel and Julie) in a long while. Maybe that’s also part of the reason why I haven’t had many blog ideas. Lots of good conversation is had with one (or both) of these ladies.

I can’t believe this term is almost over; final exams are in a few short days. If I wouldn’t have known otherwise, the remarkable spike in population of students at the library might have given me a clue.

T-157 days until my half-marathon! I’ve been running three times a week at increasing increments. (Somehow I can motivate myself to run and keep up on stupid facebook games but have little control over my motivation to do my stats homework.) After finals I start running four times a week. I really, really need new headphones. Running without sound in my ears is dreadful.

Lately a lot of people have been asking me about my plans after graduation. I don’t know what to say to them. And I’m okay with not knowing.

Also, I’m in the market for a car! Finally, I am almost able to afford it. I cannot express how happy this makes me.

These are random thoughts of December 1. Wow, 2010 is nearly gone. Shoot, and I just finally got into the habit of saying twenty-ten. Twenty-eleven is hard.

17 days to my birthday. 🙂