Give Math a Chance

In my astronomy class on Thursday, my professor spent 45 minutes listening to feedback from the class on how this term has gone. Most comments were positive and some were politely critical. Overall, the feedback was good. What struck me, though, was she huge number of people that commented on the math portion of the course. And each person qualified themselves before giving their comment. They would say things like, “I’m not really very good at math and…” or “I haven’t taken a math class in eight years…” or “I’ve always been terrible at math…” Some people said, “I’ve always been good at math…” and “I’m actually a physics major so I’m good at math…”

No one said, “Well, I’m not really a science person, so…” We don’t feel like we need to qualify our other abilities, like science or english..why math? Math is such a touchy subject. Either you get it or you don’t. Why is that? Why is it that people tend to give up on math if they don’t understand it right away? I think it’s like most things – you have to have some patience to master it. Yet when it comes to mathematics, patience flies out the window.

Maybe it’s because of the education system. Maybe teachers have ruined kids by the way they approach math. I mean, the teachers are pretty darn good at algebra and maybe something gets lost in the mix when they try to bring it down to a high schooler’s level. Time and time again kids ask, “When will I ever need math when I grow up?” That’s such a tired question. If not for anything else, you need it to graduate high school and most colleges require at least one math class. Is that not reason enough?

Give math a chance. Seriously. I hated science in high school. I always said I “just didn’t get it.” And now I’m a science major. I gave science another chance, and now I love it. I can’t get enough. I truly believe some would fall in love with math if they just gave it another chance. It really is a rewarding thing to study. There is nothing in the world like spending a few hours on an extremely challenging math assignment and finishing with all the right answers! (Please don’t freak out that I just said “spending a few hours” on math. You are willing to spend a few hours writing a paper, aren’t you? Same thing.)

Please, for me, just give math a chance.

A Scrabble Family History

Celia and I played Scrabble® today… and came up with some very peculiar words! We decided to use each one in a story (each of the bolded words was played in the game). Here it is:

In the beginning, a man and woman took and oath and wed. Soon after, they lain together and begat some lean men. One trims lawns. The other crewed a cake tour. It was fun. One dozed during a quiet drive. They all carry a gun, a jutting knife, and hey, boil spam. They often ate dope pita sandwiches. They swore an oath, “Aye, ab long as we live, we will never send a goofing fax, but glint always.” Then they bent ways; each to their own hive.

The End.


So tonight I interviewed nine people (it was supposed to be ten…but apparently I don’t have many friends I can just drop in on..ha) for my online Communication and Gender class. I was kind of intrigued by some of the answers I got so I decided to post them here. (I didn’t include any names or anything, so my volunteers aren’t exposed in any way – many of them gave very candid responses.)


Gender Issues Questionnaire

Question 1: What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of women communicating?
Women said…
•    talking a lot
•    (nothing)
•    laughter
•    laughter
•    texting
Men said
•    coffee
•    eye contact
•    much better at it than men
•    talking a lot

Question 2: What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of men communicating?
Women said…
•    nothing comes to mind “they’re just so different”
•    rhetoric
•    kidding
•    jokes
•    sports
Men said…
•    video games
•    short answers
•    guys understand they way the communicate but sometimes girls don’t get it
•    sports

Question 3: What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of women and men communicating with each other?
Women said…
•    romantic relationships
•    talking in circles
•    surface talk
•    misunderstanding
•    fighting
Men said…
•    relationships
•    small talk
•    confusion
•    flirting

Question 4: What are some similarities between women and men?
Women said…
•    both human beings, have feelings and emotions, both want to be happy (but happiness might look different to men than women)
•    both are people. rational and emotive beings
•    other than the obvious? both are human. both have feelings.
•    both enjoy hanging out
•    both breathe and eat and live
Men said…
•    both are people
•    both have feelings
•    both like to talk a lot, both enjoy food
•    both are human

Question 5: what are some differences between women and men?
Women said…
•    women over think things, really analyze. Men just kinda say what they think and “they are what they are”
•    some women are more emotive than others
•    they way they think
•    women can multitask
•    their bodies, women are more dedicated
Men said…
•    women have more prevalent emotions
•    feelings (lack of and too much)
•    women think through what to say. Men just say what’s on their mind. Men like to tell it as it is, women prolong the inevitable.
•    Basically everything – looks, thoughts, emotions, hobbies

Question 6: What are the attributes or strengths of a good relationship?
Women said…
•    good communication, respect, having fun together
•    healthy communication including responsive listening and active hearing
•    understanding and communication
•    understanding each other
•    communication, honesty, trust
Men said…
•    communication, understand your boyfriend or girlfriend
•    honesty and communication
•    Jesus Christ
•    fun, communication

Question 7: What impact would you say feminism has had in this culture?
Women said…
•    It’s done a lot positively – women’s right to vote, given women a place in the workplace. But that can also go to the extreme too.
•    Feminism has accomplished what it set out to do, but in its current state is holding back femininity. It’s unnecessary and I hate it and it should go away.
•    A negative impact
•    It has made us more equal
•    Don’t know
Men said…
•    Creation of more female jobs, more females in higher positions of power
•    Made women stronger, more courageous
•    Femininity is such a huge thing. More women are given leadership opportunities. We need to create more room for them
•    It has made women more manly

Question 8: How would you define political correctness?
Women said…
•    These days it’s about not offending people. That can go too far – I feel like I am walking on eggshells around people.
•    Taking usually derogatory terms and making them acceptable and presentable for a multicultural audience
•    An ability to express how you feel without offending another (otherwise you can’t speak)
•    Saying or doing the expected thing
•    Agreeing with the government
Men said…
•    Not hurting anyone’s feelings by the way you say something
•    Stupid. Being sensitive to other people.
•    I think it’s retarded. “let’s not offend anybody.” It’s impossible!
•    Trying not to step on anyone’s toes

Question 9: Pay inequity is identified as one of the most serious gender issues in the US. What other gender issues do you think are serious or of concern in the USA today?
Women said…
•    There’s a lot going on with sexual orientation kids of issues. Also, men and women’s roles. Is that influenced?
•    Domestic abuse when a women is the offender
•    Women who choose to stay home are seen as “less than”
•    Advancement – guy gets promoted over a girl
•    Don’t know
Men said…
•    Chauvinism, gender roles
•    Men are usually in leadership and women aren’t
•    Things look equal
•    homosexuality

Question 10: What other gender issues do you think are serious or of concern in the world today?
Women said…
•    Abuse toward women and oppression
•    Ignorance of male domination
•    Women trafficking
•    Don’t know
•    Women’s rights
Men said…
•    Human trafficking
•    Women not allowed to get ahead
•    Muslim women and injustices against them. Also sex slavery (men and women).
•    Human trafficking

Question 11: Do you ever talk negatively about men?
Women said…
•    Yes (and I don’t think that’s okay)
•    No
•    No
•    Yes
•    Yes
Men said…
•    Yes
•    Yes
•    Yes
•    yes

Question 12: Do you ever talk negatively about women?
Women said…
•    Yes (somehow I think that’s more okay)
•    Yes
•    Yes
•    Yes
•    Yes
Men said…
•    Yes
•    Yes
•    Yes
•    yes

Question 13: If you think of all the women and men you know in your life, could you say you get along with most people just fine?
Women said…
•    Yes
•    Yes
•    Yes
•    Yes
•    Yes
Men said…
•    No
•    Yes
•    yes
•    yes

Question 14: Any additional comments about gender?
Women said…
•    no
•    no
•    I think it would make women’s and men’s lives better if we accepted that we are different instead of trying to shove women into a man’s role and men into a women’s role.
•    No
•    It’s a big deal in high school. Boys can do this but girls can’t do that.
Men said…
•    Nope
•    I like women.
•    Not really
•    no

Today’s Revelation

It has been a long time since I last journaled. Life tends to get busier and busier! As I read out of the Bible, the Lord speaks to me and I quickly forget – I am convinced that this is because I do not write things down! So today I do.

Deut 10:20-21 says,

“You shall fear the Lord your God. You shall serve him and hold fast to him, and by his name you shall swear. He is your praise. He is your God, who has done for you these great and terrifying things that your eyes have seen.”

He is your praise. He is your God. That part really gets me. He has done great and mighty things (some of which my eyes have seen)! He is my joy, my stronghold, my desire, my provider. It is for him that I am at PSU. It is for him that I am growing in leadership at CBC. He knows what I am doing after graduation and he knows when I will get the desires of my heart. Oh Lord, THANK YOU for provision. Thank you for where I am being prepared to go. His way is righteous and his timing is perfect. Right now my only job is to love my Creator – hold fast to him!

I love God and the little revelations of his heart.

It’s Done

So I actually made a blog for one of my classes this quarter (one that I dropped after the second week). And it has just been sitting around, waiting for a first post. I hadn’t written anything because I didn’t think I had anything important or worthwhile to contribute. However, I have realized that doesn’t matter.

The point of a blog is not to be important, though some are. The purpose is not to make discoveries, though some do. My blog serves as a place for me to write things that I am thinking through or walking through. I frequently ponder things that are difficult for me to express other than in writing. Thus, the beginning of this journey.

Most posts will come out of a somber mindset. This is not where I live; it is simply a place I visit. Infrequent trips make for infrequent posts. That’s just the way I roll.